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Our Story

… and The Rise of the Patient

Our story began when two dentists and a tech guy decided enough was enough and took on the challenge of making great dental care accessible to everyone.

Dental 99 aims to achieve this by putting you, the patient, at the centre of our values and everything we do. The world has changed. It’s become a lot more hectic, a lot more uncertain, and a lot more complex. We believe that Dentistry has to be changed in response. In the opposite way.

It needs to be made simpler… a whole lot simpler. It needs to be demystified and be made consistent.

So we have created a patient-controlled experience (with cool technology) that’s solely focussed on making things easy for you to do, understand and stay in control of your dental care.

Of course, we only practice modern Dentistry at our clinics, using the latest materials and instruments. Despite this, we have chosen to only offer and focus on simple treatments and to do them really, really well. For starters, this focus means we can offer you dental care that’s affordable.

Deciding to limit ourselves this way breaks the mould. It wasn’t an easy decision, for sure! However, we wouldn’t have it any other way because it gives you peace of mind. You’ll be able to clearly understand what you’ve paid for and what care you’ll receive. Keeping to our limits this way means that we deliver great dental care in a manner that’s transparent to you.

Along the way, we will learn, change and improve by listening to you. We know that it is patients who build the best dental practices …not dentists. That is why you will remain at the core of what we do and what we care about.

Power to the Patients